Food Engineering

Food Engineering

 Food Engineer is a professional who works at the food industry, developing projects, products and packaging, improving processes, performing food analysis and its quality control, and also managing production.

Education of Food Engineers comprises basic areas of science (mathematics, physics and chemistry) and engineering applied to the food industry (transport phenomena, unit operations, bioengineering, refrigeration, industrial facilities and designing), complemented by other aspects allowing safe application of engineering principles into the food industrialization field. Accordingly, their education must cover subjects defined as “Food Science”, namely: food chemistry, food biochemistry, food analysis, food microbiology, sensory analysis and technological subjects, including characteristics of raw materials.

The Food Engineering undergraduate program is offered in 10 semesters. Mandatory or elective courses entail priority areas of the profession, providing solid education, compatible with USP standards and preparing the new professional to meet the needs of both market and scientific and technological development.

Moreover, students become aware of social, economical, environmental scenarios in the country, thus becoming a prospective transformation agent in society. Students will also be able to complement their academic and professional background relying on scientific initiation scholarships offered by USP or funding agencies as well on international exchange and trainee programs.

Depending on student’s social and economical background, USP also offers housing and alimentation support.

FZEA offers 100 annual seats for the Food Engineering undergraduate course, being 50 seats for day-shift and 50 seats for evening-shift.

Find out more about the program in Food Engineering and the schedule of classes.

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